Monday 28 October 2013

Feedback on 28.Oct. meeting

The meeting was a blast!!! 
If You were not there You missed out on some great action!:)

Minutes will hopefully be added to the blog at the later stage.

New Victoria Park Neighborhood Watch chairperson has been elected.


Friday 25 October 2013

Next meeting

Next meeting will be held on 28th October 7pm in the Helderzicht Rugby club. All residents are welcome to participate!

Friday 18 October 2013

Great stuff!!!

Dear Neighbours, 

I would like to extend my gratification to those improving our area.

Here are just some things that have been improved and deserve mentioning:

  1. The NHW patrols are out almost every night and whats even more amazing- during the days- thank YOU!
  2. The NHW boards been moved to more visible spots- Perfect!
  3. The speed bumps been installed on Park drive- Amazing!
  4. New jungle gym for the kids installed- Unbelievable!
  5. The trees behind Turnfontein road have been taken care of- Great job!
  6. The whole in the vibre create wall has been closed up, to stop trough traffic- Outstanding!
  7. Wednesday bin- scratcher- stop-day works impressive- have not seen any bin-scratchers this Wednesday - Fantastic!
  8. Grass cut on open plots in phase 3- Beautiful!
Please share, if You know more great stuff happening in our area!:)